How to Create an automation script in Testcage and Automate Login and Registration form. In this testcafe example, let’s create end-to-end automation in testcafe to automate a login and registration form.
Basic environment setup required to run a Testcafe Script.
Automate Login And Registration form in Testcafe
After environment setup let’s create a test.js file and write the below code, In this example We have one testcases for login and another for registration form.
To perform the automation we are using a Job Portal web application that is running on localhost URL “http://localhost:8083/JobPortal/”. To get more clarification on it follow the video tutorial that attracted below.
import { Selector, t } from "testcafe"; fixture `Auatomte Login and Registration form` .page("http://localhost:8083/JobPortal/") test('Login User with valid user name and password', async t=>{ await t .click(Selector('a').withText('Login')) .typeText(Selector('#email_address'), '') .typeText(Selector('#password'),'123') .click(Selector('.btn')) .expect(Selector('H3').withExactText('Welcome To Job Portal Management').exists).ok(); }); test('Register', async t=>{ await t .click(Selector('a').withText('SignUp')) .typeText(Selector("#fname"), 'fdgfdgdfgdg') .typeText(Selector("#lname"), 'fdgfdgdfgdg') .typeText(Selector("#email_address"), '') .typeText(Selector("#password").nth(0), 'Demo@123') .typeText(Selector("#password").nth(1), 'Demo@123') .typeText(Selector("#datepicker"), '08/08/1992') .typeText(Selector("#gender"), 'M') .typeText(Selector("#mobilenumber"), '85858585858') .wait(5000) .click(Selector('#singupBtn')) .wait(5000) .expect(Selector('H6').withExactText('User Successfully Registered').exists).ok() .wait(5000) });
Important code Explanation
import { Selector, t } from "testcafe";
used to import selectors in the script that will help to select the web element from the browser.
will load the page or you can enter the base URL of the application here.
Used to click on the Signup link with the respective selector.
.typeText(Selector("#fname"), 'fdgfdgdfgdg')
Type the value in the input fields.
.expect(Selector('H6').withExactText('User Successfully Registered').exists).ok()
This is the kind of assertion that is used to verify the text or any condition during the automation.