Device emulation with puppeteer

How to achieve Device emulation with the puppeteer. How to run a puppeteer script on different sizes of the screen like Mobile, Tablet, or desktop Etc.

Device emulation in puppeteer

We can perform device emulation in puppeteer by changing some lines of code. Puppeteer has a rich library that contains an array of devices to perform automation on the different sizes of like mobile and tablet. Also, we can change the viewport to verify a dynamic view.

Let’s see all the device emulation example in puppeteer

Change viewport in puppeteer

Puppeteer has setViewport({width:, height:}). This function takes an array of view size and returns the dynamic viewport of that size. let’s see an example.

Viewport example in puppeteer

it("Desktop View",async()=>{
    await page.setViewport({width:1650, height:1050})
    await page.waitFor(5000);

Mobile device emulation in puppeteer

puppeteer.devices[‘iPhone X’] function is used to change viewport according to the mobile device. Let’s see an example of a mobile device emulation in puppeteer.

Mobile device emulation example in puppeteer

 //Open Mobile view
it("Mobile  View", async()=>{
    const mobile = puppeteer.devices['iPhone X']
    await page.waitFor(5000);

Table emulation in puppeteer

//Open tablet view
  it("Tablet View", async()=>{
      const tablet = puppeteer.devices['iPad landscape']
      await page.emulate(tablet)
      await page.waitFor(5000);

Device Emulation example in puppeteer

In this device emulation example, we are using all the three above examples in a puppeteer script.


  • Launch browser.
  • Load URL.
  • Change the viewport as desktop View.
  • Change the device view as mobile.
  • Change the device view as a tablet.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')

describe("Device emulation in puppeteer",()=>{

    let browser
    let page
    before(async function(){
      browser = await puppeteer.launch({
      page = await browser.newPage()
      await page.goto("")

    //Open the desktop view
   it("Desktop View",async()=>{
      await page.setViewport({width:1650, height:1050})
      await page.waitFor(5000);
    //Open tablet view
    it("Tablet View", async()=>{
        const tablet = puppeteer.devices['iPad landscape']
        await page.emulate(tablet)
        await page.waitFor(5000);
     //Open Mobile view
    it("Mobile  View", async()=>{
        const mobile = puppeteer.devices['iPhone X']
        await page.waitFor(5000);

    after(async function(){
       await browser.close()