Specflow Tutorial || How to Install Specflow in Visual Studio

This Specflow tutorial contains steps to install Sepcflow in Visual Studio and create your first testcase in Specflow.

Install Visual studio

Download and install a stable version of Visual studio from the Official website of Microsoft. https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/

Install Specflow Extension

  • Open Visual Studio and navigate to below path Tool ==> Extensions and Updates ==> online ==> 
  • Search for spec flow and hit the download button.
  • Restart your visual studio.

Create a desktop project in visual studio.

File ==> New ==> Project ==> Windows Desktop ==>

Plug-in Installation (Nuget)

Step 1) Navigate to the Nuget Package manager

Tool ==> Nuget Package Manager ==> Nuget Package Manager solution==>

Step 2) Search for the Specflow and install a stable version of Specflow.

Create a feature file

Create a new feature file and start writing your first test scenario with Specflow.

  • Right Click on the project ==>Add ==> New Item ==>
  • Select Specflow from the left side and create a feature file.

Create a Step Definition for the feature file

Step Definition: A file that will be bind with the feature file. In this file, we will write our source code in C# language which will be linked with all the test steps which we have written in the feature file.

Follow the same steps to create a step definition file.

Right-click on the project ==> Add ==> New Item ==>select Specflow from the left side and select a step definition file.

Package Installation to setup Sepcflow With Versions:


Specflow by TechTalk v2.3.2

Specflow.Nunit by TechTalk v2.3.2

SpecFlow.Tools.MsBuild.Generation by techTalk v2.3.2


NUnit by Charlie Poole v3.6.0


Selenium.Support by Selenium Committers v3.141.0
Selenium.WebDriver by Selenium Committers v3.141.0
Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver by jsakamoto v72.0.3626.69


No test matches the given test case filter `FullyQualifiedName=SpecflowTutorial. LoginFeature.AddTwoNumbers`
Follow the below steps to solve this error.

Step 1) Switch to Visual studio
Step 2) Tools ==> Extensions and Updates
Step 3) Online ==> Search for “NUnit 3 Test Adapter”