Write a Python program to remove duplicate from an array list

Write a python program to remove duplicates from a list that has multiple same elements. In this module, we are going to create a python program to remove the  duplicate element from the list using the python predefine method that is set( )

Sample test 1

Input: a=[14,15,48,63,23,48,96,23,14]

Output: [14,15,48,63,23,96]

Sample test 2

Input: a=[“shiva”,”ram”,”ravi”,,”ram”,”som”,”shiva”]

Output: [“ram”,”ravi”,”som”,”shiva”]


  • Take input  how many element users want to add
  • Append them to list
  • Using the method to remove duplicate elements from it
  • Printing the output

Python program to remove duplicate from a list

a=int(input("enter the size of list:"))
for i in range(a):
print("original list",lst)
print("new list",asd)

Explanation of the code

Step 1: take input from the user for how many elements want to be in a list

Step 2: creating a empty list to use further

Step 3: using the for loop take input and append in the list again and again

Step 4: now we print the list

Step 5: using the set( ) method to remove all duplicate elements from the list

Step 6: printing the list which has no duplicate elements


In this module, we have seen how to remove the duplicate element from the list