Write a C program to print the subtraction of two matrices

Write a C program to print the subtraction of two matrices. In this C Matrix example, we are going to create a program to find the substraction of two matrices.

What are Matrices

Matrices are the rectangular or square arrays that are used in mathematics for certain operation

for example:

1    2     3

4      5     6

7     8      9

Algorithm to subtraction two matrix

  • Declare three 2d arrays and four variables.
  • Then take four inputs, two for rows and column another two for the value of array a and b.
  • Take three for loop.
  • Print an appropriate subtraction of matrix in the last for loop.

C program to subtraction two matrix

void main (){
  int a[10][10], b[10][10], d[10][10],r,c,row,column;
  printf("enter the value of matrix row");
  printf("enter the value of matrix column");
      printf("\nenter the value of a");
   printf("enter the value of ");
      printf("\nenter the value of b");

    printf("%d ", d[r][c]);


Explanation of this program

Step 1: Includes the library

Step 2: Declares the main method with the void.

Step 3: Declare three 2D arrays a,b, and d, and four variables.

Step 4:  Create four inputs first two for taking input from a user for row and column and another two for in loops for taking the array a and b.

Step 5:  Create three for loops first two for taking input of array a and b and the last one for print appropriate subtraction in array d.

Step 6: Give the condition and logic in for loop for subtraction and fo matrix

Step 7: Print \n for print in a sequence of a matrix.

Step 8: End.


In this blog, we have learned how to create a program to find the subtraction of two matrices.