Write a Python program to find Sum of Digits in a String.

How to find Sum of Digits in a String in Payton. Write a Python program to Find Sum of Digits in a String.

How to find Sum of Digits in a String?

Given a string containing alphanumeric characters, ascertain the sum of all numbers present in the string.

What is the sum of digits in a string?

Input: hello user12345 welcome to the python version 3
Output: 18

Algorithm to find sum of digits in a string:

• Take the value of the integer and store in a variable
• Using a for loop, get each digit present in the string and add the digits to a variable.
• Print the sum of the digits of the number.
• Exit.

Python program to find sum of digits in a string.

count = input("enter the string whose sum of digits is to be calculated:")

def sum_digits(str1):
    sum_digit = 0
    for x in str1:
        if x.isdigit() == True:
            z = int(x)
            sum_digit = sum_digit + z

    return sum_digit

print("sum of digits in",count,"is:")

Output: Printing the sum of digits in a string.