Write Python Program to find the smallest and the largest word from a string.

How to find the smallest and largest word from a string in python. Write Python Program to find the smallest and the largest word from a string.

How to find the smallest and the largest word in a string?

Given a string, locate the smallest and the largest length words in it.

What is the smallest and the largest word in a string?

Input: Welcome to Codebun where you will find the solution to all programming problems

Smallest word: to
Largest word: programming

Algorithm to find the smallest and the largest word in a string:

• Input a string
• Iterate through the string using a while loop to find the space which will help us to find the length of the word.
• Using if condition checks whether the present word is smaller or greater in length than the word present.
• If smaller assign it one variable and if greater assign it to another new variable.
• Print both the variables.

Python program to find the smallest and the largest word in a string.

def words(str1):
    word = ""
    words1 = []
    str1 = str1 + " "
    for i in range(0, len(str1)):
        if (str1[i] != ' '):
            word = word + str1[i]
            word = ""

    small = large = words1[0]

    # Find smallest and largest word in the str1
    for k in range(0, len(words1)):
        if (len(small) > len(words1[k])):
            small = words1[k]
        if (len(large) < len(words1[k])):
            large = words1[k]
    return small, large

str1 = "Welcome to Codedec where you will find solution to all programming problems"
print("STRING IS:", str1)
small, large = words(str1)
print("Smallest word: " + small)
print("Largest word: " + large)

Output: Printing the smallest and the largest word in a string.