Assertion in TestNG

In this section Let’s Understand what are Assertions in TestNG and why are Assertions Used.

What is Assertion in TestNG?

The end result is compared with the anticipated end result with the assistance of Assertion in TestNG, in TestNG We Can Have Multiple Testcases which is Not Easy to Identify Whether each of the Testcases outputs is As Expected. So Assertion class is Used to verify each Testcase Executed as Per the Requirement.

There are Two Types of Assertions in TestNG
  • Hard Assertions
  • Soft assertions

Hard Assertion

A Hard Assertion is a type of assertion that throws an exception immediately and if an assert statement fails and it continues with the next Testcase in the test suite.

Soft Assertion

A Soft Assertion is a type of assertion that does not throw an exception when an assertion fails and would continue with the next Testcase step after the assert statement.


  • Display Use of Different assertion Methods in TestNG.


Assert Testcase to verify exact match(equal) value

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Assertion {
    public void OpenBrowser() {
    //Chrome WebDriver Setup
    System.setProperty("", "E:/CodeBun/project1/chromedriver.exe");//initialize Chrome Web Driver
    WebDriver driverChrome = new ChromeDriver();// Create Instance for Chrome Web Driver 
    driverChrome.manage().window().maximize();// Maximize Window for Chrome Instance 
    driverChrome.get("");//Url Request Form Chrome Driver
    String ActualTitle = driverChrome.getTitle();//Capture Title from Page To verify
    String ExpectedTitle = "Google";//Pass ExpectedTitle to String varible
    Assert.assertEquals(ExpectedTitle, ActualTitle);//Compare ExpectedTitle and ActualTile Form Page
    driverChrome.quit();// this would close all the window of web driver

Assert.assertEquals(ExpectedTitle, ActualTitle);is Used For Comparing the String Captured Title from to Expected Title which is passed into the variable


Assert Test case to verify not equal value

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Assertion {
    public void OpenBrowser() {
    //Chrome WebDriver Setup
    System.setProperty("", "E:/CodeBun/project1/chromedriver.exe");//initialize Chrome Web Driver
    WebDriver driverChrome = new ChromeDriver();// Create Instance for Chrome Web Driver 
    driverChrome.manage().window().maximize();// Maximize Window for Chrome Instance 
    driverChrome.get("");//Url Request Form Chrome Driver
    String ActualTitle1 = driverChrome.getTitle();//Capture Title from Page To verify
    String ExpectedTitle1 = "Google1";//Pass ExpectedTitle to String varible
    Assert.assertEquals(ActualTitle1 , ExpectedTitle1,"Title Doesn't Matched");//Compare ExpectedTitle and ActualTile Form Page and Print Exeception
    driverChrome.quit();// this would close all the window of web driver

Assert.assertEquals(ActualTitle1 , ExpectedTitle1,"Title Doesn't Matched");is Used For Comparing the String Captured Title from to Expected Title which is passed into the variable, if The String Don’t match with the Expected Title it will Print Exception Message which we have define in it.


Verify string contains, a sub-string in Selenium Java

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Assertion {
    public void OpenBrowser() {
    //Chrome WebDriver Setup
    System.setProperty("", "E:/CodeBun/project1/chromedriver.exe");//initialize Chrome Web Driver
    WebDriver driverChrome = new ChromeDriver();// Create Instance for Chrome Web Driver 
    driverChrome.manage().window().maximize();// Maximize Window for Chrome Instance 
    driverChrome.get("");//Url Request Form Chrome Driver
    String ActualTitle = driverChrome.getTitle();//Capture Title from Page To verify
    Assert.assertTrue(ActualTitle.contains("gle"));//Match Sub-String Pattern using contains
    System.out.println("The Given Sub-String is Found In Title\n");//this Print Statement will only execute after the Success Sub-string case
    driverChrome.quit();// this would close all the window of web driver

Assert.assertTrue(ActualTitle.contains("gle"));is Used to Search the SubString Captured From the Captured Title From


Verify string does not contain, a sub-string in Selenium Java

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Assertion {
    public void OpenBrowser() {
    //Chrome WebDriver Setup
    System.setProperty("", "E:/CodeBun/project1/chromedriver.exe");//initialize Chrome Web Driver
    WebDriver driverChrome = new ChromeDriver();// Create Instance for Chrome Web Driver 
    driverChrome.manage().window().maximize();// Maximize Window for Chrome Instance 
    driverChrome.get("");//Url Request Form Chrome Driver
    String ActualTitle = driverChrome.getTitle();//Capture Title from Page To verify
    Assert.assertEquals(ActualTitle.contains("hi"), true, "The Given Sub-String is Not Found In Title");//Match Sub-String Pattern using contains and if its not true print the given Statement
    driverChrome.quit();// this would close all the window of web driver

Assert.assertEquals(ActualTitle.contains("hi"), true, "The Given Sub-String is Not Found In Title");is Used to Search the SubString Captured From the Captured Title From,if that String Don’t Match ,it will print Exception Error which we have Define.


Assert to verify less than and greater than values

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Assertion {
    public void CompareValue() {
        int value1 = 10;
        int value2 = 12;
        Assert.assertTrue (value1 < value2);
        Assert.assertTrue (value1 > value2,"Value1 is Smaller than Value2");

Assert.assertTrue (value1 < value2);it verifies the Boolean value returned by a condition if condition is True it continue onto next step

Assert.assertTrue (value1 > value2,"Value1 is Smaller than Value2");it verifies the Boolean value returned by a condition if condition is False  it will print Exception Message.


Assert to verify matched regular expression

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Assertion {
    public void RegularExpression() {
    String ActualExpression ="[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}-";
    String foundExpression ="[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}-";

Assert.assertSame(ActualExpression,foundExpression);it check the both Regular Expression Provided and if both the Expression are not Same it Throws an Exception Error.


Assert to verify not matched regular expression

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Assertion {
    public void RegularExpressionNotMatch() {
    String ActualExpression ="[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}-";
    String foundExpression ="[a-zA-Z0-9]{6";
    Assert.assertSame(ActualExpression,foundExpression,"Regular Expression Does not Match");

Assert.assertSame(ActualExpression,foundExpression,"Regular Expression Does not Match");

it check both the Regular Expression Provided and if both the Expression are not Same it Throws an Exception Error and Exception will be Printed.


Verify Element is exist or not in Selenium Java

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class Assertion {
    public void OpenBrowser() {
    //Chrome WebDriver Setup
        System.setProperty("", "E:/CodeBun/project1/chromedriver.exe");//initialize Chrome Web Driver
        WebDriver driverChrome = new ChromeDriver();// Create Instance for Chrome Web Driver 
        driverChrome.manage().window().maximize();// Maximize Window for Chrome Instance 
        driverChrome.get("");//Url Request Form Chrome Driver
        WebElement Search = driverChrome.findElement("q"));
        driverChrome.quit();// this would close all the window of web driver

Assert.assertEquals(true,Search.isDisplayed());is Used to check Whether the Element is Displayed on Web Page or Not


We Successfully Demonstrated  Assertion in TestNG.