C++program to check whether a number is palindrome or not

In this blog, we will create a program to check whether a number is a palindrome or not using C++.

What is a Palindrome number?

If the reverse of a number is equal to the number itself, then it is called a palindrome number for example 121, 15751, etc.

Algorithm to check if a number is a palindrome or not.

  • Get the input number from the user.
  • Store it in a temporary variable.
  • Turn the number.
  • After reversing, compare to a temporary variable.
  • If it is the same, then the number is a palindrome.      

C++ code to check whether a number is palindrome or not

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n,sum=0,temp,reverse;
cout<<"Please enter the Number=";
cout<<"The number is Palindrome.";
cout<<"The number is not Palindrome.";
return 0;

Explanation of the code

The above code will take a number as an input from the user and put it into a temporary variable as you can see that sum is already 0 it will use a while loop until the number becomes 0 and as the code is written it will perform the operation as written after while loop. If the number becomes 0 then it will check if the temporary variable is equal to the sum or not. If the condition satisfies then it will print that the number is a palindrome otherwise if the condition fails it will go to else part and will print that the number is not a palindrome.

One more example using a do-while loop will also explain the algorithm we discussed in the introduction. We will take a number as an input from the user and check if it is a palindrome or not.

Output of the code