Write a program in C to calculate the simple interest

Write a program in C language to calculate the simple interest. In this article, we will write a program in c language to calculate the simple interest.

What is simple interest?

Simple interest is a method to calculate the amount of interest charged on a sum at a given rate and for a given period of time. and Simple interest is a quick and easy method to calculate interest on the money.

Some useful terms in the program

  • SI = simple interest 
  • Formula to calculate SI : (P * R * t)/100
  • where,
    • P = principle ,
    • R = Rate of Interest in % per annum, 
    • T = the number of years.

Algorithm to calculate the simple interest

  • Start
  • Declare the variables.
  • Initialize the Variables.
  • Calculate the Simple Interest using ((P*R*T)/100).
  • Print the Simple Interest.
  • End.

Program in C to calculate the simple interest

int main(){
float rate=5, principle=100, time=2
float si;
printf("simple interest is %f",si);
return 0;

Explanation of source code

Step 1: start.

Step 2: Include header files using #include.

Step 3: then create a main function method with the int return type.

Step 4: then declare the variable in float and give the respected value to it.

Step 5: and then create the formula of simple interest ((P*R*T*)/10).

Step 6: After then print with the help of the “printf()” statement. 

Step 7: After successful completion return 0.

Step 8: end.


In this way, we create a program in C language to calculate the simple interest.