Create a component for adding user in ReactJS

In this article, we will learn how to create a component to add user with a form in which where the user will write the data that are required. Below are the steps that we will be following,

  • Create react app
  • Create a component for adding user
  • Create a form and a function to get user data

Create react app

  • Open the command prompt and run the below codes to create a react app
npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm start

Note: Please read this article to know more about creating a react project

  • Open the app.js file from the src folder which resides inside the newly created react project folder.
import React from "react";
import './App.css'
const App = () => {
  return (

export default App

Create a component for adding user

  • Create a component named, AddUser

import React from 'react';

const AddUser = () => {
    return (


export default AddUser;

Create a form

  • Create a form,
import React from 'react';

const addUser = () => {
    return (


export default addUser;
  • Create an input field for the user name,
                  <label htmlFor="name"></label>
                  <input id='name' type="text" placeholder='name' />
  • Create another input field for email
                  <label htmlFor="email"></label>
                  <input id='email' type="email" placeholder='email' />
  • Add a button to submit,
                   <button type="submit">Submit</button>
import React from 'react';

const addUser = () => {
    return (
                    <label htmlFor="name"></label>
                    <input id='name' type="text" placeholder='name' />
                    <label htmlFor="email"></label>
                    <input id='email' type="email" placeholder='email' />

                    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

export default addUser;
  • Import and use this component in the App.js file,
import React from "react";
import AddUser from "./addUser";
import './App.css'
const App = () => {
  return (
      <AddUser />

export default App

  • Add some styles to make it better,

Note: we are using Tailwind CSS to make it look better, read this article to know more about it.

  • Create a function for the form,
const handleFormSubmission = e=>{
  • Add an onSubmit() event handler in the form and pass this function
import React from 'react';

const AddUser = () => {
    const handleFormSubmission = e => {
    return (
                className='border-2 border-gray-400 shadow-lg rounded-md w-1/2'>
                <div className='my-4 block mx-auto w-1/2'>
                    <label htmlFor="name"></label>
                    <input className='input input-bordered w-full max-w-xs' id='name' name="name" type="text" placeholder='name' />
                <div className='my-4 block mx-auto w-1/2'>
                    <label htmlFor="email"></label>
                    <input className='input input-bordered w-full max-w-xs' id='email' name="email" type="email" placeholder='email' />

                <div className=' my-10 block mx-auto w-1/2'>
                    <button className='btn' type="submit">Submit</button>

export default AddUser;
  • Get the input values,
const handleFormSubmission = e => {
       const formData = {

this way we will get the input values in the object.

import React from 'react';

const AddUser = () => {
    const handleFormSubmission = e => {
        const formData = {
    return (
                className='border-2 border-gray-400 shadow-lg rounded-md w-1/2'>
                <div className='my-4 block mx-auto w-1/2'>
                    <label htmlFor="name"></label>
                    <input className='input input-bordered w-full max-w-xs' id='name' name="name" type="text" placeholder='name' />
                <div className='my-4 block mx-auto w-1/2'>
                    <label htmlFor="email"></label>
                    <input className='input input-bordered w-full max-w-xs' id='email' name="email" type="email" placeholder='email' />

                <div className=' my-10 block mx-auto w-1/2'>
                    <button className='btn' type="submit">Submit</button>

export default AddUser;

And this is how we can create an AddUser component to add user data.